Department of ARCHITECTURE Co.
Department of ARCHITECTURE Co. is a Bangkok-based architecture, landscape design and interior design firm that takes on a wide range of residential and commercial projects in an array of different industries, from recreation to hospitality and education. The company also does a great deal of research in the utilisation of alternative materials, as well as exploring new and upcoming developments in architecture from around the world.

The Hilton Pattaya – Lobby & ‘Drift’ Bar was completed in 2010.
One of the company’s most widely-known projects is their design of Little Shelter, an inn in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The company decided to focus on incorporating the venerable building materials used in the centuries-old architecture of the region to make sure that the new building would fit into the area seamlessly. In order to honour tradition while creating a contemporary design, the team chose to build the structure out of a mixture of solid wood shingles and polycarbonate shingles.

The Little Shelter.
We benefit from our craftsmanship and skills that have been passed on for generations, to make our architecture unique to our cultures, but in a very contemporary manner. – Amata Luphaiboon
Department of ARCHITECTURE Co. also designed the interior of the Architecture Library in Chulalongkorn University. The library is a stunning 1260 m² space built as a ‘creative incubator’ for architecture students to exchange thoughts and ideas in a practical, unique and strikingly contemporary environment. In order to create a flexible co-working space, the Department of ARCHITECTURE Co. designed a grid-system layout that can be adapted to serve multiple purposes.

Library in Chulalongkorn University.
For the past 15 years, Department of ARCHITECTURE Co. has been focused on creating innovative and one-of-a-kind projects by merging technology, functionality and creativity together.
Department of ARCHITECTURE Co. also design The Commons, Bangkok, Thailand.
All images by Department of ARCHITECTURE Co.